Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 5 e-learning letter

Week 5

Dear STrEaM Families,

We are now over halfway through 4th quarter, and somehow on Friday the calendar will turn from April to May. This last week we heard from several parents indicating they or their children had essentially "hit a wall" with online/distance learning from home.
I want to be very clear in our response to this:
We understand.
It is ok.
Parents have 100% choice in how much to engage in the content teachers are offering.
Dial it back as much as you need to, when you need to.
We provide, you decide.
We will continue striving to offer robust and engaging content. We will continue offering grace, choice, flexibility, and space. We are here to support you, whether it is engaging in lessons, projects and learning, or pulling back to focus on family and emotional wellness.
STrEaM family, we've got this. We're in this together.


Start the week strong by checking each Google Classroom for assignments, lessons and activities! Jump on Zoom sessions and office hours to check in with teachers. Let's start week 5 strong! Our staff meets on Zoom at 8 AM every Monday to set the tone, schedule, priorities and message for the week. How you start the week off really matters!


If you were ever going to join us for Morning Coffee, today is the day! We have some amazing guests and the focus will be on outdoor education and learning. We will roll out a carefully curated list of outdoor activities for families during the closure, and discuss the incredible benefits of nature and getting outside.
Wear your STrEaM gear with us on Tuesdays!
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 189 887 262
Password: COFFEE


Many of our advisories meet on Wednesdays. This is a great opportunity to engage without academic constraints: check in, visit, enjoy each others' company. This is so important, and this is why Advisory is the heart and soul of our program.
Join us for at 10 for some fitness fun:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 621 861 387
Password: pe


Join us for coffee! The focus is on online registration for 20-21. We are already planning for an incredible 5th year at STrEaM Academy and we can't wait to engage our students in projects, challenges, and outdoor adventures that lay ahead!
Highland Academy Principal Johnson will join us for those 8th graders headed to their awesome program.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 189 887 262
Password: COFFEE


It's "FITNESS FRIDAY!" Join us for a ton of fitness fun at 10 AM:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 621 861 387
Password: pe


Parents, you are doing an incredible job managing and balancing all of this. Our teachers appreciate the communication and engagement. I greatly appreciate the continual feedback from parents to me about how awesome our teachers are and how much they are appreciated. We will get through this challenging time.  Ernest Hemingway said, "The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger in the broken places." We will be stronger for this, as a school community. 

The last day of school is still Thursday May 21st, and we will hold a virtual assembly that day to celebrate together and send off our 8th graders. See you all then, if not sooner. 

Thank you
Adam Mokelke, principal

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